PC Repair








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At Campbell Automation our primary function is service. Our rates are reasonable and our performance is unmatched. A lot of the problems encountered by users have to do with software that's been loaded, virus's, Windows problems, or configuration problems. A lot of companies will wipe your data by re-installing Windows as a quick-fix to problems with software and assume that you can reload your data. As much preaching as is done on backing up, the fact is that most people do not have adequate backups of either their software or the data created by their software. 

Our first objective is to preserve your software and data. We do everything possible to preserve your data. Occasionally, the only solution is to wipe your hard disk and start over. When this happens, we will notify you and ask your help in determining what information is critical and attempt to backup that information and re-install it after re-loading Windows. You should have a licensed copy of all software and operating systems. The "borrowed" software from your cousin-brother-mother-sister-father-friend is not only illegal, but in the long run will cause you problems if you have to start from scratch due to a hard drive failure, major Windows crash, or a virus.  Be sure you keep up with all of your software disks and CD's because we cannot provide you with a copy. We will help you reload software if provided to us at the time of repair if necessary.

We offer box pick-up and drop-off service for those people that need repair work done overnight so that they can get back to business as usual. Most repair work is completed in 24 to 48 hours unless we have been swamped, but we'll let you know ahead of time our schedule. We do prioritize by how critical the repair is to the operation of a business.

Service can be scheduled by contacting us with the information provided on our Contact Page.

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